Come To Me!

It’s All About Jesus!

Spirit of Prophecy Bulletin

SMALL STRAWS IN A SOFT WIND by Marsha Burns — Oct. 14, 2010:

Choose your reactions and responses wisely in order to maintain peace as well as spiritual and emotional equilibrium. When chaos is in your state of being and doing it is a signal that something is out of order. Take the time and make the effort to re-establish your trust in Me, says the Lord. Be done with fear, and come back into the safety of My presence. Come to Me!

2 Corinthians 10:5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.

One may have awakened to the sound of one’s 3:00 AM alarms’ every five minutes repeats at 3:16 AM.  The 3:20 AM alarm may have sounded on schedule and one may have gotten up and logged onto one’s computer.

One may have read the Spirit of Prophecy Bulletin for today.  One may have been encouraged.  Thank You Jesus!

One may have entered one’s prayer closet at 3:30 AM.  One may have praised the Lord with song, confessed one’s sins, thanked the Lord and prayed for a passage of scripture for today.  One may have been led to Jeremiah 2.  Thank You Jesus!

One may have logged onto the website to pray for outstanding prayer requests.  One may have doubled one’s time on the website to make up for missing yesterday’s intercession time.

Thank You Jesus for hearing and answering each prayer request according to Your perfect will, in Jesus name.  Amen.