Maintain A Positive Outlook As You Continue To Progress In Spiritual Reality

It’s All About Jesus!

Spirit of Prophecy Bulletin

SMALL STRAWS IN A SOFT WIND by Marsha Burns — 12/23/11:

You are entering a season when you will be able to gain new perspective and perhaps see a theme as the details begin to come together in a comprehensive overview. It would be a mistake to give the temporary details of your life more significance or power than they deserve. In the long run what really matters is your spiritual relationship with Me, says the Lord, and not the natural things that distract you from that which is really important. Maintain a positive outlook as you continue to progress in spiritual reality.

Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

One may have entered one’s prayer closet at 3:30 AM.  One may have praised the Lord with song, confessed one’s sins, thanked the Lord and prayed for a passage of scripture for today’s blog.  One may have been led to Matthew 13 – The parable of the sower.  Thank You Jesus!

One may have read the Spirit of Prophecy Bulletin for today.  One may have been encouraged.  Thank You Jesus!

One may have logged onto the website to pray for outstanding prayer requests.  Thank You Jesus for answering each prayer request according to Your perfect will.  Amen.